What started as a daily lunch program with homemade casseroles, bags of oranges, cookies and
milk, quickly grew into pizza and subway sandwiches, and then hot meals. Over the years, and
after the school attendance reached capacity, St Aidan's hired a kitchen lunch program
supervisor and cook. This provided new opportunities for Joy Lutheran Church.
We became
involved in hosting and supporting a family reception following the Christmas program
complete with refreshments, gift bags for the students and teachers. Our congregation
supported a sport socks and school supplies drive, every September.
Our congregation financed
the construction of a pass-through lunch service area and new flooring at the Hargrave campus,
built new library cabinetry with books and art supplies, musical instruments and new classroom
Joy continues to host Staff appreciation events at Christmas and the end of the School
Year. Most recently, each year Joy provides personalized Bibles and handmade cross
bookmarks for the students in Grade 5.
Joy Lutheran Church continues to provide financial support and prayers for St Aidan's Christian
School and enjoys the relationship we have nurtured over the years with the Staff, students and
the school Board of Directors.
Each year, new opportunities arise for the Joy congregation to
continue to be involved in the work at St Aidan's Christian School and we are truly blessed to be
a part of God’s work in this community.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6